I am using a generic term here, Usui Reiki, to talk about the Western style of Reiki. While the energy itself is exactly the same as taught in the Japanese style the philosophies behind how it's taught is sometimes different.
Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki, was a spiritual seeker. He believed that you had to heal the mind before the body and the emphasis was on a personal responsibility and commitment. Reiki then is first, and foremost, a self-healing and spiritual development practice.
Many Reiki Masters in the West have opened their own schools for teaching Reiki. I learned from a varitey of teachers each with their own style and flavour. As a practitioner I used Usui Reiki for my own healing and helping many others. As a teacher I know that while the way a teacher imparts the knowledge may be different, the energy remains the same.
In the Western styles of Reiki one can learn how to use Reiki with crystals, drumming, angels and many other additions. No matter the additions to the practice Reiki brings balance and works in conjunction with all other therapies, medications, and healing practices. For newcomers it can be confusing to truly understand Reiki as a stand alone healing practice, but it is. For that reason I teach Usui Reiki in a very simple and straight forward manner. From there the student can move forward adding in the elements that are of interest. None of these additions are taught in Jikiden Reiki.
Usui Reiki can be taught in person and online, both of which I offer in the simplest and most effective way. It allows me to give training to clients who may be in chronic pain - or othewise unable to travel for training - the ability to self-treat with Reiki.
I adhere to the code of ethics from the Canadian Reiki Association.
Why take Jikiden Reiki Training?
A quick summary to the two styles.