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The Day After

Remember when holidays and special days, like birthdays, seemed to take a lifetime to arrive? Now they are here and gone in what feels like sixty seconds! This year Christmas Day crept up on me.

I’d been busy working on getting my second book out into the world. I’ve heard the process likened to giving birth and I suppose it was - I kept pushing until it was finally out! I was also doing the post evaluations of the Reiki Conference that I helped to organize back in November, and at the same time planning for the Transcending Pain: An Interactive Workshop coming up in April.

I also knew that none of our young people would be joining us for Christmas this year so there was little shopping for me to do – yay – no fighting the crowds! Since we were going to be on our own Paul and I invited a few friends to join us for Christmas lunch. It was in my telephone conversation with one friend when she said, “I’m looking forward to seeing you Wednesday,” that I finally realized just how close Christmas Day was.

Now it’s the day after. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Day yesterday. Were you able to spend it the way you had hoped? Or did you make the best of the day and enjoy it nonetheless? Holidays, no matter their nature, are really what we make them to be. For me, despite my dismay at having to shop for gifts, I’ve come to understand that I really do enjoy the process. It’s part of the holiday even though it’s happening days and weeks in advance of the actual day. For me the day itself is really the end of the holiday.

And the next day? Sigh. Sometimes it can feel like a let down, a coming off the high of a big win for example, and maybe even kinda sad. But the reality is that this day, like any other day, is really what you make it to be. And if you have enjoyed the process the day can be a wonderful memory to cherish for years to come.

I hope for you and your family it has been, and continues to be, a season of joy, a renewal of faith and a time filled with many blessings.

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