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Overall, the practice of Reiki has not been regulated nor does it have any practice or training standards. Due to this lack of regulation, there have been many ‘new age’ add-ons, and a mixing in of other modalities and healing systems. Those add-ons take away from the original simplicity and credibility of the Reiki practice. This has also led to a conflicted reputation with medical professionals and the Catholic Church based on the ‘woo-woo’ waving of hands and manipulation of energy some suggest.


Credible Reiki practitioners and an interest in complementary ways of healing is slowly changing that poor perception. 


No matter what style of Reiki is practiced, the energy itself remains unchanged. And regardless of where you get your Reiki Training or have your Reiki Treatments remember the following about Reiki.


Reiki healing is not an instant fix.

  • The longer you have had a condition the more time healing may take.


Reiki is not a religion.

  • There is nothing for you to believe or do for Reiki healing to work.


Reiki is not a massage, there is no maniplation of the body. 

  • A practitioner’s hands may be rested lightly on your body, just above your body, or treatment may be at a distance.


Reiki is not disease or condition oriented.

  • Reiki healing works on your whole body system.


If the very worst thing you can say about the Reiki practice is that it only produces a placebo effect, is that really so bad? If healing happens through a placebo instead of a drug laden with side effects the fact is that healing has still occurred. And that is what counts!


Want to know if Reiki is the complementary therapy for you? Book an appointment and see if it resonates.


How does Reiki help?


What should you expect in a treatment? 


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