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Jikiden vs Usui Reiki Summary

Please Note: The Reiki energy is the same no matter the style of Reiki. What is different is ithe philosophy behind the teaching. Here are my impressions in a summary form of the differences based on my experience and training. One style of practice is likely to appeal to you over the other and many practitioners learn both and settle on the one that resonates best with them. 

Please Note: The Reiki energy is the same no matter the style of Reiki. What is different is ithe philosophy behind the teaching. Here are my impressions in a summary form of the differences based on my experience and training. One style of practice is likely to appeal to you over the other and many practitioners learn both and settle on the one that resonates best with them. 

Jikiden Reiki


  • Simple with no additions

  • One class format taught worldwide

  • Very intuitive style

  • Spiritual development

  • Meditation a part of the practice

  • Teaching higher levels limited  

  • Energy is within

  • Tends to be a more flexible and open practice



Usui Reiki


  • Additions are often part of the practice

  • Many formats depending on the teacher

  • Taught a protocol of hand positions - great for newbies

  • Primarily taught as a body healing method

  • Meditation in class

  • Teach everyone, everything

  • Energy comes outside

  • Tends to be a more linear, logical type of practice



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