If you have reached this page and are feeling this is your last resort, take a breath, relax. I felt that way when I found Reiki as have many of my clients. It is another option to consider in your healing journey and one that will not only benefit your body, but your whole life.
Reiki Healing Benefits:
It is a holistic, system-wide healing method
It does not treat your disease or condition
Reiki healing treats the whole person
It rebalances your body systems, detoxifies, and helps the body eliminate what is no longer needed
It accelerates your body’s natural ability to heal
It is versatile and easy to use
Reiki healing works in conjunction with all your medical and non-medical treatments and therapies
It is completely non-invasive
There are no needles, creams, or anything to swallow
It is not symptom or condition specific and the practitioner requires no diagnosis
It is unique
It is client centered
The rebalancing of the body systems comes from within you, the client
This is unlike other types of energy medicine where the practitioner deliberately reorganizes the energy field of the client
It leads to a path of inviting happiness
Studies associate Reiki healing with:
~ Improved Blood Pressure and Heart Rate
~ Decreased Stress Hormones
~ Reduced Pain, Anxiety and Fatigue
~ Improved Sleep
~ Improved Mood & Functioning of Depressed Patients
~ Enhanced Well-Being and Quality of Life
Reiki healing is not a substitute for qualified healthcare. Do not stop medical treatments without consulting your doctor about alternatives.
Healing takes time and happens on many levels. Reiki healing has a cumulative effect stabilizing the nervous system and reducing stress to facilitate healing. With multiple healing sessions your body system is kept engaged in the healing process, thereby accelerating it.
Transform the turmoil in your life and book an appointment now!