Anger is Poison
I had a heart wrenching email based on my post ‘What is pain?’ from a reader the other day, and it’s been on my mind since. After I first...

Wishful thinking - poor results.
“If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it.” ~ William Arthur Ward There’s a view out in the...

What is pain?
I have great friends and three in particular came to visit a couple of weeks ago. The problem with friends is that while they support...

Is your funny bone broken?
It’s been a tough week – the shocking news of bombings at the Boston Marathon, a deadly earthquake in Iran, and the fiery explosions in...

What are your expectations?
Key West, Florida, is the southernmost part of the United States and somewhere I had never visited before. I finally had my chance last...

The Chronic Pain Life
This is a guest post from Ashlee Doulliard, a young Jamaican woman who has been in pain since she was ten years old. Click here for her...

The Whispering Body
I heard Lissa Rankin, MD; in a TED talk discuss The Shocking Truth About Your Health. Near the beginning of the talk she states that,...

5 Steps to jumpstart healing
Seth Godin, entrepreneur and marketer, wrote a blog post where he confronted the spectator problem. He asserts that many people are only...

Flu shots – the middle way
I’m grappling with the decision about having the flu shot. Actually, I know that I don’t want it but everyone around me says that I...

Habitual offender?
What was it like getting up this morning? Was it an easy jump out of bed, flinging yourself at the World whether it was ready or not? ...