Experience is Everything!
Golf. Ugh! Oh, wait, that was my inside voice, sorry. I mean, golf, yay! Well, what I really mean to say is that some days golf is really ha

Book Review: Better Than Before
Better Than Before: What I learned about making and breaking habits – to sleep more, quit sugar, procrastinate less, and generally build...

The Soul of a Dog is the Wolf
It's amusing to me that we put the qualities we want for ourselves into our animals. Take for example the Pedigree dog food ad on...

Right On Track!
I took a walk the other day with my friend, Jess. It was a lovely fall day with the sun warm enough and the breeze low enough that we...

Were You Fudging There?
I have also encountered his dark side. I’ve seen his stubborness. It shows up especially when advice offered is of no interest to him and...

I Don't Know How?
Once I saw his picture I knew who Paul Williams was but it was his younger self that I recognized. You may know him as the famous singer...

Magic May Happen
Liz looked lovely. She had on a dress that not only flattered her figure but it was also bright and festive without being gaudy. Her...

3 Lessons From A Conference
“Really?” asked Edwin, “You found that many people who do that sort of thing?” “Actually,” I responded, “there were others interested...

Thanks For What?
For Americans it’s a big deal, the Thanksgiving Holiday. It’s their largest travel period and it’s often more likely for the family to...