What do you mean yoga is not exercise?
Not too disappointed I hope :) Yoga, literally meaning 'union', is actually a spiritual practice. You turn your attention inward,...
Abundance has been percolating in my brain for a few weeks now. If you read my last post, Unattached, you would have read how I was helping
Part Of A Team
Nikki Ward and I recently hosted the Mid-Atlantic Reiki Conferences in Toronto, Canada and Columbia, Maryland. By all accounts both...
Living In The Flow
“Pushing through, trying to stay positive, really hard.” These were the phrases that littered my conversation with Jillian earlier this...
Does Reiki 'Fix' Anything?
What’s the use of magic if I can’t fix this? I heard that line while watching television. The station was advertising the next episode of...
Moving; The Obstacle
Last week I wrote about the obstacles in life that are really the path and journey of your life. That post seemed to have hit a nerve...
The Obstacle Is The Path
It’s a Zen proverb, “The obstacle is the path,” and it stopped me in my tracks just like any obstacle would. Because that’s what...
What Are You Really Looking For?
I read an article by a young woman named Andi who was sharing why she stopped teaching yoga. You can read the article here but I'm going...
Crazy Busy Days!
Are you tired? Do you feel like there are not enough hours in the day? Do you feel like the days run into weeks which run into months and...