A New Game Plan
It’s that time - goals, resolutions, and plans for all areas of your life for the upcoming year. I’ve checked that off. Have you? Well,...

Love With Conviction!
“Those that hate, hate with conviction,” said Marianne Williamson. I got goose bumps. She was alluding to the terrorist group in the...

Were You Fudging There?
I have also encountered his dark side. I’ve seen his stubborness. It shows up especially when advice offered is of no interest to him and...
Chief Possibility Officer
Have you ever heard the term CPO: Chief Possibility Officer before? The first time I came across it was in the book The Miracle Minute by...
“Heartbased Living”
I am so lucky, for a number of reasons, one of the best being that I’ve got friends. Some I’ve known all my life, some I’m just meeting...