What do you mean yoga is not exercise?
Not too disappointed I hope :) Yoga, literally meaning 'union', is actually a spiritual practice. You turn your attention inward,...
Up For A Challenge?
Let me set the scene. In a sea of red and black Paul and I are the only two people wearing blue and white in support of the Ryerson Rams soc
Uplifting thoughts and actions work not only for the giver but for the receiver. Here's why.
Book Review - Shantaram: A Novel
I’ve had a fascination with India for a while now so when a friend suggested I read Shantaram, which is based in Bombay, I jumped at the...
My Humanness Showing Up
On the morning drive into work I'm lucky to get a ride in most days with my husband. The unlucky days I take a bus. When I'm with hubby...
Practice In Action
“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi I stood there, all 5 feet 9 inches, looking at...
Love With Conviction - A Key To Hope
The term love with conviction grew out of a talk about how people who hated acted with conviction. To counter that hate we have to make a...
Love With Conviction - Kumbayas Aside!
To combat the hate in the world we have to love deeply, and more deeply than the ‘haters’ hate. In fact, we need to love with conviction....
Love With Conviction!
“Those that hate, hate with conviction,” said Marianne Williamson. I got goose bumps. She was alluding to the terrorist group in the...
Were You Fudging There?
I have also encountered his dark side. I’ve seen his stubborness. It shows up especially when advice offered is of no interest to him and...