Are You Admiring The Problem?
I listened to a talk given by Marianne Williamson and later that day I was having a conversation with my hubby about it. One of the...

The New Year!
The New Year brings the opportunity to remember Magnificent You and the miracles that your love and forgiveness can bring with each dawn....

I Don't Know How?
Once I saw his picture I knew who Paul Williams was but it was his younger self that I recognized. You may know him as the famous singer...

Crazy Busy Days!
Are you tired? Do you feel like there are not enough hours in the day? Do you feel like the days run into weeks which run into months and...

Prickly People!
They fascinate us, those prickly things, like cacti, hedgehogs, or stiff brushes. They draw you in, just for a little touch, just to see...

Express Your Genius!
I'm experimenting today and if you are reading this thank you for being a part of my experiment. Normally I sit in my quiet office and...

The Amazing Grace Of Letting Go
I joined a choir! I know, you can’t believe it can you? Neither can I, especially when my husband suggested some time ago it would not be...

Giving –The Same As Getting
It was a long day, a long weekend in fact. It meant driving from Ottawa, Ontario to Baltimore, Maryland, a distance of 540 miles. But it...

There Are No Small Upsets!
Morning had broken, sounds like a song coming on doesn't it! The sky was beautiful with ribbons of pink and orange clouds stretched...