Not Easy But Simple?
Not Easy But Simple? It’s not easy, but it’s simple. What an incongruent statement, don’t you think? I suppose it could be called an...
PEPO? Huh?
I’m a planner but now that I am married to a military member I have seen planning at a whole new level. I don’t know if it’s true of all...
The Soul of a Dog is the Wolf
It's amusing to me that we put the qualities we want for ourselves into our animals. Take for example the Pedigree dog food ad on...
Living In The Flow
“Pushing through, trying to stay positive, really hard.” These were the phrases that littered my conversation with Jillian earlier this...
Does Reiki 'Fix' Anything?
What’s the use of magic if I can’t fix this? I heard that line while watching television. The station was advertising the next episode of...
Moving; The Obstacle
Last week I wrote about the obstacles in life that are really the path and journey of your life. That post seemed to have hit a nerve...
The Obstacle Is The Path
It’s a Zen proverb, “The obstacle is the path,” and it stopped me in my tracks just like any obstacle would. Because that’s what...
The Waiting Game.
Waiting. What do you do while waiting? I start off by checking out the other people who are also waiting. Once I'm bored with that my...
My Humanness Showing Up
On the morning drive into work I'm lucky to get a ride in most days with my husband. The unlucky days I take a bus. When I'm with hubby...
Right On Track!
I took a walk the other day with my friend, Jess. It was a lovely fall day with the sun warm enough and the breeze low enough that we...