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Wedding bliss is in the air all around me and I love it! My eldest son will be married in October to a young woman who I will be proud...

Book Review: The Undoing Project
How did the friendship of Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky change our minds? And did the author Michael Lewis really get that across to us t

A Year In Forward
What do you hope for? Why should you care? Because when you care, and dream, and reach out, you make your immediate world a better place.

"Toni, she's on the move!" "I'm on it boss and tracking her," replied Toni. "She's stopped in at the AT&T store. It will depend on her...

Part Of A Team
Nikki Ward and I recently hosted the Mid-Atlantic Reiki Conferences in Toronto, Canada and Columbia, Maryland. By all accounts both...

Secret Dreams Of Watercolor
Juliet Thorburn-McIntosh is a Jamaican watercolor artist and my friend. I have always been drawn to watercolor art, which made it easy...

Taking It Slow… Again!
I wrote a post recently about impatience and how that feeling seemed to be coming up a lot in my life. Well, when you start to notice...

An Excruciating 15 mph
People tell me that I’m a very calm person bringing peace wherever I am. I have that feeling after meditation for sure but in all honesty...

What Would Susan Do?
Rick is an easy going, six foot four affable man, who doesn’t get flustered or upset easily. He always has a smile on his face much like...

The Quiet Nudge
It was a quiet afternoon and I had some time to do whatever I pleased. That’s a real treat and one I’m always quick to take advantage of....