Book Review - The History of Bees: A Novel
This story, The History of Bees, is actually three stories, in three different eras, linked through the bee. We start in the future,...

Book Review - Shoe Dog: A Memoir
Shoe Dog by Phil Knight was riveting! In this memoir Phil Knight recounts his journey in creating the mega giant retailer Nike. And what a j

Book Review - Inheriting Edith: A Novel
l read somewhere, maybe on Amazon.com, that this story was a tragicomedy. That seemed an unusual concept to me but the story idea was intrig

Book Review: Happiness
It was a fascinating radio interview with Matthieu Ricard as the guest. Here was this French scientist who had become a Buddhist Monk.

Up For A Challenge?
Let me set the scene. In a sea of red and black Paul and I are the only two people wearing blue and white in support of the Ryerson Rams soc

Book Review: Ex Libris
Who else, but a reader, would say, “I’ve never read two sexier sentences”?

Book Review: By Gaslight
Glancing through the stacks of books at Costco I was having a hard time deciding what to read next. I kept returning to By Gaslight...

Resetting in any area of life will benefit all areas and it won’t matter where you start. You just have to start! Here are some ideas.

MaddAddam: A Novel
The names of places are weird, the stuff they eat positively gross, the clothes they wear funny, and the continuing fight for survival a dra

You Are Needed
It can be overwhelming to think of the number of causes that need help in the world today.