The Chronic Pain Life
This is a guest post from Ashlee Doulliard, a young Jamaican woman who has been in pain since she was ten years old. Click here for her...

The Whispering Body
I heard Lissa Rankin, MD; in a TED talk discuss The Shocking Truth About Your Health. Near the beginning of the talk she states that,...

Relax into pain
As the bells of the New Year were completing their chimes I was agreeing to participate in a half-marathon run in March. At that time I...

5 Steps to jumpstart healing
Seth Godin, entrepreneur and marketer, wrote a blog post where he confronted the spectator problem. He asserts that many people are only...

Inhale love, exhale pain
Happy Valentines Day! The legend of who St. Valentine is and just how he and the tradition of Valentines greetings became entwined...

Exercise & Pain
For some people, exercise is pain. It’s a pain to do, it’s painful to do, and it’s usually the last thing they ever want to do. Why...

Volunteer – it’s a Win/Win
Last week I mentioned the many benefits to your own health and happiness you gain just by being a volunteer. But after researching and...

Reduce chronic pain - volunteer
The wounded healer theory was new to me but it goes back to Carl Jung and some say to Greek mythology. Basically, it says that a person’s...

Flu shots – the middle way
I’m grappling with the decision about having the flu shot. Actually, I know that I don’t want it but everyone around me says that I...

Not what I hoped for
The New Year did not start well. In fact, I felt like I had boarded the ferry on the shore of 2012 and I was halfway across the river to...